Can You Eat Sprouted Potatoes?

Sprouted Potatoes and Safety:  You can eat sprouted potatoes, but it's important to handle them carefully due to potential toxicity.

Solanine Toxin:  Sprouted potatoes contain solanine, a natural toxin that can cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps if.

Where Solanine Accumulates:  The toxin is concentrated in the sprouts, eyes, and any green parts of the potato.

Removing Sprouts:  Always cut off the sprouts, eyes, and any green areas before preparing the potato.


Firmness Check:  If the potato is firm and hasn’t turned green, it is usually safe to eat after sprout removal.

Discard Bad Potatoes: Potatoes that are soft, wrinkled, or have extensive sprouting should be discarded.

Cooking Thoroughly: Cooking sprouted potatoes thoroughly can help reduce the risk of solanine poisoning.

Health Precaution:  When in doubt, it's safer to discard any potato that appears too old or has excessive sprouting.

